Reception area with wooden desk, Apple computer, and "Stay Awhile" neon sign on green wall. Display cabinets with various items on either side. Hanging light fixtures and decor elements visible.

1930 W Milham Ave - suite A

Portage MI 49024

(269) 598-5003

-call or text-

Modern living room with art and animal skull displays, leather sofa, black armchairs, and a round coffee table on a cowhide rug.
tattoo piercing logo


Stay Awhile Tattoo is home to some of the Kalamazoo area’s most experienced and reputable tattoo artists and piercers. Specializing in both custom tattoos and quality piercings, Stay Awhile features Cody Lonsway and Dylan Brizendine (formerly of Daybreak), Katie VanderLende (formerly of Art & Soul), along with longtime friends, Nate Wilson (formerly of Meeting House) and customer service extraordinaire turned piercer, Elizabeth Brizendine.

At Stay Awhile your experience and the quality of your work is our top priority. Stay tuned for updates and give us a follow on Instagram @stayawhiletattoo to see more of our work.